Forget hourly rates: Why fixed-price-per-page is the Magazine Production powerhouse you deserve
Dean Cook • Jan 02, 2024

In the bustling world of magazine production, deadlines dance on tightropes and budgets pirouette in a constant balancing act. So, when choosing your page-turning partner, which pricing model leads the way: hourly/day rate or fixed-price-per-page? Dean Cook explains…

Confidence takes centre stage: Imagine knowing the exact cost for every page that sparkles into existence. Fixed-price per page banishes budgeting anxieties, letting you plan with precision. No more heart-stopping invoice surprises, just clear, upfront pricing that lets you focus on creating the next issue's masterpiece.

Speed demons of efficiency: We're not just confident; we're fast too. Fixed-price incentivises us to streamline processes, optimise workflows, and unleash our inner efficiency ninjas. Every second saved translates to faster deliveries and happy clients — both for us and for you!

Transparency, a breath of fresh air: Gone are the days of wondering where hours vanished. Fixed-price is a window into our world, offering clarity and peace of mind. You deal directly with your dedicated page production artist, eliminating communication hiccups and ensuring every pixel aligns with your vision.

Fiverr and Upwork fatigue? As well as hunting for an experienced magazine production artist whom you are likely to work with over many months and years, both platforms operate on flat-rated commissions, which can be quite high, especially with higher-value projects. Coming directly connects you with your personal production artist tailored to your magazine's unique needs. Here are other reasons why you won't find us on Freelance platforms.

Cost-effectiveness — a beautiful byproduct: Our efficiency obsession doesn't just benefit speed; it fuels cost-effectiveness, too. Every minute saved is a penny (or pound!) earned, translating to competitive prices that deliver maximum impact. Your magazine shines, and your budget smiles.

So, next time you're tempted by the hourly siren song, remember: fixed-price-per-page is the secret weapon for a smooth, cost-effective, and efficient magazine production journey. Why settle for anything less?

Contact us today for a free quote and experience the simple fixed-price magic!

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